How to run a private members club

A Q4 goals experiment, Paris fashion week, & Peggy Gou in Ibiza

Blink and it’s October. Welcome to The Stanza and happy Q4.

If you’re an entrepreneur preparing for a fundraise, I would love to help. Please reply to this email introducing yourself and your company.

Q4 Goals Experiment

Once you’ve set your goals for the remainder of the year, try a daily practice called “scripting” to rewire your subconscious to truly believe you deserve what you want:

“I’m grateful for [my living situation].

I’m grateful for [my thriving career / businesss]

I’m grateful for [my relationships and community]”…

And so forth. Feel free to customize as needed. Then, you’ll write:

“I’m grateful for the [three] life changing miracles that I experienced in 2023. I love myself, I trust myself, and I am worthy of these things”

Write this in a notebook every day - make it a habit. Come back to this email in January and see what has come to fruition.

As an accountability partner, you’ll be seeing a monthly check-in in this section of The Stanza’s weekly digest for the remainder of the year.

Thanks for subscribing and enjoy reading :)

Check out previous issues of The Stanza here.

Ninho, a beautiful members club in Lisbon. See “The Stanza Podcast” section below.

The Stanza community update:

Receive free access to the monthly deep dive issues, including the deep dive on the members club business, if you refer friends (not yourself ;)) to The Stanza. September’s issue: How to build a $billion restaurant empire, to be delivered tomorrow!

The easiest way to get free access is to share your link on IG stories. See your unique referral link at the bottom of this email. Three friends gets you one month of free access.

Alternatively, you may upgrade your subscription here.

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