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  • The pursuit of a cult brand: what we can learn from cults

The pursuit of a cult brand: what we can learn from cults

November's Deep Dive Issue

“It’s tiiiiime!”

While today’s brand strategy is largely community-driven, most brands don’t understand the collective desire to “belong”. But you know who does? Actual cults.

Cults understand the essence of belonging lies in what most of us don’t want to admit to ourselves— to “belong” there have to be those who don’t. Loyalty to a group is garnered from feeling “chosen” and part of a community that “gets it”. Cults have mastered this concept, and building a cult brand requires being honest about the fascination with cults that led to the very concept of a “cult brand”. What it means to build a loyal consumer base has become lost on us due to the desire for palatability, and this veering away from exclusivity limits brand potential and the aspirational nature that is their making.

Through exploring cult brands, aspirational brands, and online communities, this essay dives into the delicate art of community building, how building a cult brand demands specificity, and how to increase awareness and foster community without compromising.

Welcome to The Stanza’s Monthly Deep Dive Issue on the business of building a cult brand.


  1. Cults As a Manifestation of Our Collective Desires

  2. Cult Brands

  3. Underestimating The Driving Force of Aspiration: What Brands Get Wrong

  4. Entry Points

  5. Trend Predictions

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