Feel the fear and do it anyways.

Ciao everyone, and welcome back to The Stanza.

Is there a metaphorical cliff you want to jump off of, but feel afraid to? Maybe you’ve been wanting to start something new, but you’re lowkey concerned with what others will think of your new endeavor. Or maybe you’re worried it will totally flop. It can feel daunting to face the potential of failing in the public arena.

But you should also know that you’re not alone. In fact, several of you reading this newsletter now either have faced the metaphorical cliff in the past, or are currently staring into the abyss now. However, in order to live an asymmetrical life, one must jump off many metaphorical cliffs.

Secondly, we’re all just passing time on the floating rock called Earth. In the end, everything and nothing matters, so just do your thing.

Enough with the existential musings and onto this week’s digest…

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